Thursday, October 17, 2013


Grateful for my ability to always be myself.
Grateful for my strong relationship with my Heavenly Father.
Grateful for the four walls around me, even when they seem paltry or less than perfect. 
Grateful for the cool weather that has me thinking I can keep my car for another few months after all.  
Grateful for the laundry detergent that leaked all across the kitchen floor. Has it ever been cleaner?
Grateful for best friends who live literally a few steps or a 5 minute drive away. 
Grateful for thrift store gems when none of your clothes fit anymore. 
Grateful that none of my clothes fit anymore!
Grateful for wonderful friends who go out of their way to share love, time and resources. It's nice to know you always have someone to watch your dog. It's nice to know you can get crazy awesome Disney discounts with no catch at all. It's nice to know that people miss your company.
Grateful for a husband who washes the dog, the laundry and my dirty dishes.

Couldn't resist the picture, it makes me laugh every time. 

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