Wednesday, February 5, 2014


Whenever anyone visits my bathroom they always ask  "What's in the jar?" And here, when I say bathroom I really mean living room as they are looking at the top of my piano because I am strange and scatterbrained and always end up leaving things in completely the wrong place.

Anyway, the answer to "What's in the jar?"  often gets a look sort of like the one Gilligan is giving you above. A look of skepticism, pity, and mild disgust.

So what’s in the jar? Homemade deodorant that’s what.

If you want to learn more about why I make my own deodorant there are plenty of websites which will tell you much more then I can. I will only share a little bit, and with a disclaimer that I could really care less if you continue to swath yourself in Teen Spirit or what have you.

Anyway, the short answer is aluminum. Aluminum has some ties to cancer and Alzheimer’s. The long answer is also found on the back of your deodorant label.  That’s a whole lot of ingredients! Anyway, there are many solutions to this problem, but usually they don’t work very well. I found a very simple, cheap and effective way to keep my armpits smelling fresh as a sprig of lavender.

You simply need virgin coconut oil, baking soda, corn starch and an essential oil of your choosing.  I used this basic recipe, with lavender and lemongrass essential oils. Melt the oil in the microwave, put all your ingredients in your jar and shake to emulsify. It hardens to a creamy solid that’s easy to apply, and shelf stable.

Here are some facts. Because everyone’s body chemistry is different, take it with a grain of salt.

  • I made this deodorant with 2 friends and we all have been using it for a few weeks. We are all IN LOVE.
  • This is solely a deodorant, but I do find that I sweat much less while wearing it.
  • It lasts all day, through workouts and through anxiety ridden night sweats. 
  • People have complimented my on my scent and its actually my armpits. Bwaha.

Anyway. This is my service announcement. The recipe is so cheap, especially if you go in as a group to purchase the essential oils, you literally need only 4-5 drops. Cheers to deo! 

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