Wednesday, April 9, 2014


I used to have so much free time and then suddenly I just didn't.

Also, my relationship with how much I wanted to share with the big wide world, aka the 5 readers I have, has been heavy on my mind lately. Someone recently asked me a question they fully knew the answer to based on a blog I posted a while back. I'm assuming they asked to make me squirm and you know what? It did! So why did I write about it in the first place? Because I felt compelled to. Because I wanted to. Because I thought it would help myself and others.

Anyway, I think I want to blog again. I think I want to write and keep some sort of journal here. The openness that has been my stumbling block lately used to be my motivation. When I write something goofy thats me, and when I write something deathly serious, that's me too. And right now I think I need to keep putting me out there.

What a boring post y'all seriously. For your efforts I will give you a prize. A picture of the cutest darn puppy I know. Reminds me of this classic Onion article.

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